Today, June 1st, is “National Go Barefoot Day.” Who needs a reason, other than nice weather, to kick off your shoes and enjoy the feel of the grass under your feet or perhaps some sand between your toes? If you do need one, than jump on today’s bandwagon, slip out of your socks and shoes and let those little dogs breathe free. |
Actually, the observance of “Go Barefoot” day has a lot more behind it other than going shoeless. Back in 2004, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred under the Indian Ocean near Sumatra, an Indonesian island, causing a massive Tsunami. The energy released by the earthquake was equivalent to 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs. The result of the disaster, which occurred the day after Christmas, was more than 150,000 people dead or missing with millions from 11 countries suddenly homeless.
In response to the disaster, Soles4souls began collecting shoes to assist those affected by the tragedy. Though we are several years removed from the 2004 Tsunami, many in our world face every day of their lives without shoes. In many cases, this is so much more than a comfort issue but is actually a health and quality of life issue.
If you are like me, you have a few pairs of shoes tucked away in the back of your closet that you no longer wear. They’re gently used, but just don’t fit your needs anymore. On “Go Barefoot” day, the challenge is to gather up those gently used shoes and donate them to an organization that helps provides shoes to those in need.
While you enjoy the feeling that goes along with walking through your yard or along the beach barefoot, remember those around the world who go barefoot but not by choice. Your simple act of kindness can go a long way in changing someone’s life for the better.
In response to the disaster, Soles4souls began collecting shoes to assist those affected by the tragedy. Though we are several years removed from the 2004 Tsunami, many in our world face every day of their lives without shoes. In many cases, this is so much more than a comfort issue but is actually a health and quality of life issue.
If you are like me, you have a few pairs of shoes tucked away in the back of your closet that you no longer wear. They’re gently used, but just don’t fit your needs anymore. On “Go Barefoot” day, the challenge is to gather up those gently used shoes and donate them to an organization that helps provides shoes to those in need.
While you enjoy the feeling that goes along with walking through your yard or along the beach barefoot, remember those around the world who go barefoot but not by choice. Your simple act of kindness can go a long way in changing someone’s life for the better.